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At Nationwide Tax Pro, we believe in transparent and fair pricing based on the specific forms required for your tax return. Our fees are calculated according to the type and number of forms filed, as well as the complexity of your tax situation. This structure ensures that you only pay for the services that are necessary for your unique filing, without any hidden costs or unexpected fees.

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Unlike some tax preparation services, our pricing is never influenced by the amount of your refund. We are committed to a fair, consistent approach that reflects the time and expertise involved in preparing each form accurately and efficiently. This means that, regardless of your refund size, your fee will be based solely on the scope of work required to complete your return.


For a detailed breakdown of our fees, please refer to our price-per-form list. Our goal is to provide you with a straightforward, reliable service so you can file your taxes with confidence and peace of mind.


For an itemized view of our current price per form, please click here.

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